Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Father’s Day 2005

Awakened at 4:45 a.m., our toddler reminded that I am a Dad. He was screaming loudly. “Come get me outta here!” Delaying the rescue did not help the situation. He was not a happy camper until I went in and got him.

We laid in the bed for a while, and he was then ready to go. Downstairs for some game time. We played Tinker Toys. We read a book, “My Light.” We occupied, as the rest of the household was sleeping. This is okay, as it is Father’s Day, and I am with my son. Finally, Mom was up and took over the caregiving so I could go for my morning walk.

When I returned I told the girls I would take them out for a bagel. We had a grand time, talking about the 60s (try explaining that era to a 9 year-old) and an assortment of other interesting topics. A lady nearby kept watching us, why I do not know. I was pleased to be out in the public with three darling daughters. It is, after all, Father’s Day.

After lunch I was given a Father’s Day present, a very practical item. Who ever gives their Dad something that doesn’t require batteries, a cord or physical exertion? Nice little label maker so I can organize my life. I like it!

Our small group had a picnic in the late afternoon, and it was a most pleasant time. Good food (ate too much, always do at picnics) and good visiting with people we like and care for. The children had a grand time, and the rain clouds stayed away.

As we prepared for bed, our middle girl came to me and asked how my Father’s Day had been. Perfect, just perfect, thanks.


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